Partnered with Bender
Bender is a German company with 75 years of experience in the field of electrical safety.
The company specialises in the design and manufacture of highly sensitive insulation monitoring devices and on-line earth fault location systems, designed to detect and locate developing earth faults on essential electrical systems and equipment to enable repairs to be carried out prior to system failure.
As the Australian national distributor of Bender products, we source, distribute and integrate a wide range of leading electrical safety products across multiple industries.

Our product and service selection
Take a closer look at the advanced offerings underpinning our energy solutions.

Data Centres
iBCPM - E810 Series
Eetarps E810-Series (iBCPM) is an affordable, Intelligent Branch Circuit Power Monitoring System. The design allows an easy and fast installation. Combined with the split-core CTs of the EGSCT-Series, the system is also highly suitable for retrofit applications.
DownloadResidual Current Monitoring - Product Overviews
Residual current monitoring: AC, pulsed DC and AC/DC sensitive RCM, RCMA, RCMB residual current monitors, Multi-channel AC, pulsed DC and AC/DC sensitive RCMS residual current monitoring systems.
Electrical Safety Power Quality Meters
Maritime & Rail
Renewable and conventional energy
Our Service Offering
With an innovative spirit, industry-leading skills and a solutions-led approach, our services work toward sustainable, future-focused outcomes.

Contact us
Have a question, want to work with us, or know more about our solutions? We’d love to hear from you!
We’re available to call 24/7 for service and support or submit an enquiry and our team will get in touch to assist you.